Our First Post
The Blog Starts Here
So this post is the classic “welcome to our blog” post. I don’t intend for it to be cliche, but every blog has to start somewhere. I’m convinced that nobody even reads this first post, not just because of the assumed lack of actual content, but because typically when this first post is written, the blog/company has no real authority or following, and therefore it never even get’s seen. <— Was that last sentence a run-on? Even after a blog has gained authority and a following, this first post get’s so buried that it never sees the light of day by eye balls of real readers. So since I’m convinced this post never get’s seen, I will use this post as a way of documenting my plans and goals for this blog. A game plan or guide so to speak. So in 6 months, a year, 3 years, 5 years, etc, I can look back and see if I reached my goals and followed the original plan. I think it will be interesting to see! To be honest, I’d be stoked to even make it two years out with consistent posts. Consistency is the hardest part. Most bloggers get distracted with other things, or lose interest all together after the first few posts.
The Purpose
One of the main purposes of this blog is to give my company (Tim Strifler Online Solutions) a voice. In a crowded corner of the internet, every company needs a voice, a microphone, a way of being heard. That definitely does not mean I will be heard, but it provides a way of being heard just in case someone chooses to tune in. If someone broadcasts over the radio does that mean they’re going to be heard? Of course not. Someone else needs to actually tune their radio to the right station to heard what is being broadcasted (even if it’s by accident). So again, to reiterate, one of the main purposes of this blog is to provide a way of being heard, in case someone chooses to listen.
An additional reason for creating this blog is for marketing purposes. If you do even a minimal amount of research into online marketing, you’ll quickly learn that content is king. And if you want to even have a shot of ranking in the search engines you need to create content, and market that content— typically over social media. So if the blog is the microphone, as I mentioned above, then social media is the amplifier. So all that to say, I will be creating content, hopefully useful content, with the hopes of helping us rank in Google.
The Posts
So if you are reading this, then you’re probably wondering what type of posts will be a part of this blog. This is sort of where I’m laying out the guideline for myself to reflect on later in terms of the type of posts I plan on creating.
So here’s what I plan on creating:
- Announcements — news or updates relating to the company itself
- Portfolio Posts — showcasing a recently completed project
- General WordPress Tutorials — we build all of our websites on the WordPress platform so these will be educational posts that will be useful and relevant to our clients and potential clients
- Divi Tutorials — we build all of our websites on the Divi framework so like above, these will be useful to our clients and potential clients
- Internet Marketing Tips or Tutorials — self explanatory
When relevant, I plan to do video tutorials that will accompany the normal text blog post.
The above topics are the starting point. I’m sure we’ll branch out and refine as we go. Which, is sort of the point of laying things out in this first post and seeing where the internet takes us. Here goes nothing!

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